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Learn ThetaHealing

Basic DNA 3 Day Seminar

With Talia Stephens


ThetaHealing is a powerful, transformative technique that creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing with focused thought, intuition and unconditional love.

As individuals, we are phenomenally powerful and we are able to change our lives and our surroundings by taking responsibility for what we are creating.

By locating the reasons why we create limiting beliefs, programs, illnesses and the things we say we don’t want, we can quickly and gently transform these old paradigms, making way for the things we do want to experience in life - abundance, healing, joy, a soul mate, increased psychic abilities and love.

Become a certified practitioner and start making significant changes in your life and the lives of your family, friends and clients.

Other topics and exercises include:
- Changing genetic programs for aging
- DNA activation
- Introduction to manifesting
- Future readings
- Guides and guardian angels
- Soul mates, soul fragments
- Seven Planes of Existence
- The power of connecting to the Creator of All that Is

3 Day Seminar
31st August - 2nd September 2018
Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Venue: Harmony Body & Mind Centre,

14 Billabirra Cres, Nerang, Queensland, 4211

Deposit: $180 (the deposit secures your place in the seminar)
Total Investment: $580 (the remaining balance of $400 is due by 17th August) Payment plans are available.

0432 839 039 - Talia

Please email Talia or more details and to book.


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