Wesak Full Moon Meditation
Monday 30th - FULL MOON Festival of Wesak - Enlightenment
Celebrated at the time of the Taurus full moon, the Festival of Wesak is the second of the year's three major spiritual festivals. Wesak marks the high point of the spiritual year, when forces of enlightenment associated with the Buddha pour into the planet.
Generally known as the Festival of the Buddha, it's a legend full of imagery. The Buddha is said to make an annual appearance in a secluded valley somewhere in the Himalayas, at the exact time of the full moon of Taurus. He appears for a brief period and enacts a water ceremony before his great brother, the Christ, and an assembly of adepts and disciples. The Buddha’s blessing, stepped down by the Christ, is radiated throughout the gathering and into the world.
During this highpoint of the year, our greatest service is to prepare ourselves spiritually for the energy pouring into humanity, and to hold the inner connection in daily life, visualising ourselves as a pure channel of light in alignment with the keynote of Taurus: I see, and when the eye is opened, all is Light.
The goals of “clear seeing, pure joyful will and the death of personality desire” lie before us; and, as these goals are progressively achieved, it becomes possible to live consciously within the aura of the spiritual group to which our soul naturally belongs
7 pm - Golden Lotus Room - $10